Tuesday 22 October 2019

Europe trip part 34

Wednesday 10 October

 Today we are doing a massive drive from Biarritz to El Vendrell. It took us about 5 hours driving through the northern part of Spain down to El Vendrell on the coast, quite close to Barcelona. Mum hated the first 300 kms as there was nothing really to see. It was like driving through a desert with mountains. There was no colour and hardly any houses or anything apart from hundreds of windmills and a very dry landscape.

 We passed Pamplona which looked like quite a large city and also passed Zaragoza where we had originally intended to stay – luckily we changed our minds as it looked horrible. We had to pay quite a few road tolls on the way but most of the roads were in good condition so mum didn’t mind! When we got to the house, we went shopping for dinner then just relaxed! I coughed all the way in the car, driving mam quietly mad, so she decided I needed the antibiotics I got from the doctor in France.

 Thursday 11 October
 Today is our first full day here. Since we had time, I had to catch up on my blog. We went to the supermarket and did a big shop – groceries in Spain are very cheap. I’m excited as our friends from Scotland arrive today for a week. Heather (mum’s best friend), Declan and Erin arrived at about 6.30pm, just in time for a roast chicken dinner, so I was very happy! But not because I still can't eat!

 Declan is 13 years old and Erin is 15 – they come to visit us at grannies every time we go to Scotland. I’m still coughing but hopefully it will stop soon.

 Friday 12 October
 Oh no!! I woke up with swollen eyes and lips and another fever. I think I had an allergic reaction to some melon that I ate last night. Mum gave me some antihistamine and paracetamol to see if that helps. We had a chill morning as it was a bit grey.

 In the afternoon I thought I felt a little better so we went to Tarragona, not far away and walked around the old town. Tarragona was a Roman town so had lots of ruins similar to those that we saw in Italy. One was shaped like a small Colosseum. Turns out I wasn’t any better – in fact my eyes had gunk in them by late afternoon and I felt terrible so mum and dad took me to the 24 hour surgery.

 I still have a fever and now have mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis, chest infection and blisters on my tongue to my tonsils  so I could not eat or swallow. I was generally miserable and fed up that this happened on what was supposed to be the most fun week of the trip. Hopefully the pile of tablets that mum had to buy from the pharmacy will make me better soon.


  1. Hi Max, Wow! Max 34 blog posts.
    Cool picture I guess you are doing a flip into the pool.
    It must have been annoying being sick on holiday. I hope you still enjoyed it.
    I bet you would have been really happy to see Declan and Erin.
    I really wish I could be on holiday.

    Quick Question when are you coming back to NZ?

  2. Next friday. being sick is horrible!


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