Friday 30 August 2019

Europe trip part 5

On Monday we headed to Interlaken to Jungfraujoch, the tallest mountain in Europe. We took the Niederhorn gondola and went up to the top to see the swiss alps, we were 1950 m high at the top we saw paragliders, valleys and mountains.

After that we visited a beautiful village of Grindelwald, famous for itś many ski fields. It was a beautiful view to one of the famous Swiss mountains, the Eiger. We also had a game of mini golf and I just lost to Connor by one point. Dad got dead last!

In the late afternoon, we went to a small town called Thun. There was a beautiful lake and heaps of small sailing boats. What I loved to be able to do was to bring my surfboard because there were surfers in the river. The reason for this was due to a natural dam which created a river flow rider. We went for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and I had a tasty pizza. We headed for home very tired after a long day.

We stopped in Lucerne on Tuesday on our way to Teufen. We did a hop on hop off bus around Lucerne, after that we went down to the lakeside to see the swans they were hissing and spitting at me one was trying to chase me but I just ran away. We got lunch at a bakery I got a mozzarella and tomato pinnea. Then we went to a church and saw a cemetery, the headstones were flat on the ground and they had some on the walls. After we got to Teufen we had dinner in our house we had pasta and some German sausages when I was about to go to bed, I wanted to run down this massive hill. So I did it, it was really fun. After that I was so hot I needed a cold shower.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Europe trip part 4

The next morning I was very excited because my cousin Connor and my Uncle Iain and Aunty Michelle, who came from Scotland the night before, arrived for breakfast. We went into Geneva to go sightseeing, we took a little bus around the old town so that they could see the main sights because they only had one day. On the way home we stopped in a 5 story high supermarket.

 After dinner we went into the pool for 2 hours. it was cold but nice after another hot day!

 Today we set off for our next stop at a little village not far from Switzerlandś capital city, Bern. It was a very hot and sunny day. We walked around Lausanne and looked in the Cathedral, there was stained glass everywhere. After lunch we headed for Bern.

 We drove on country roads and saw chalets, cows with bells, trains and some farmers working in there fields. They were cutting and getting their hay bales ready for winter.

 When we arrived in Bern we walked across the bridge and saw people jumping into the river and floating downstream as it is a natural lazy river. The river was going really fast - I really wanted to jump in! We looked at the fountain outside the Albert Einstein museum and Uncle Iain randomly just picked me up and turned me upside down and dunked me in the fountain (baptised). Then when I got up, he did it again! After a long, tiring day, we arrived at our AirBnB at Wasen in Emmental.

Europe trip part 3

On Thursday, once we eventually worked out how the public transport worked we went to Geneva to look around and see some cool sights. We walked on the river's edge and went on the ferris wheel. The ferris wheel went around 5 times and it was really fast. From the top we took some really good photos of the lake, lighthouse and the famous fountain Jet d ́eau - the water flies out at 200 kilometers per hour (lightening fast), reaches a height of 140 metres and 7 tonnes of water are in the air at any given time. 

The fountain was built as a safety valve for the local hydraulic power station built in the 1800ś but later the Swiss built a pumping station to send the water even higher in the air as a tourist attraction. Nearby there is a flower clock to represent Geneva's watch-making history, this is where the first watch was made in the world. There seems to be hundreds of watch shops in the city!

 In the afternoon we went on a boat trip to see the lake and the cool stuff around the edge. We saw Jet déau again, a nice lighthouse, lovely big gardens, massive mansions and the misty Mount Blanc, the famous ski area on the French side of the border, not Switzerland.

 After breakfast we jumped on the bus, then the tram into the city on Friday morning. We did a massive walk along the lakefront and up into the green zone which has the Botanic Gardens, zoo and World Trade Organisation. On our walk we came across a flamingo, ducks, deer and sheep with very long ears. For our reward for walking so far, I got pancakes. In the afternoon we walked to the old town which was lovely and the old buildings were stunning, especially the church. Just after 3:00pm we got a taxi to the rental car mum was a bit nervous, but we got back home in one piece! That evening we had dinner and watched the minions!

Saturday 24 August 2019

Europe trip part 2

We are in Paris YAY! We arrived in Paris at 7 o'clock at night we thought it was 2 o'clock because it was so sunny we waited about 45 minutes to get our bags and taxi. We arrived in Hotel de l´Aveyron, which was near the Gare de Lyon.

At the hotel we had to get our 25 kg bags up 4 flights of stairs,Mum was not happy because there was no lift,the stairs were really dangerous and narrow we went out to find dinner at 9:30 pm. We got pizza it was a huge margherita which was delicious we looked at the train station to see where we were going to Geneva.

In the morning we were shattered because we woke up at 3:00am. We had continental breakfast I had 2 bread rolls. We then walked for 3 hours around Pairs we saw the river Saine which was amazing and we saw the Notre Dame which is getting rebuilt due to recent fire damage I can't wait till we get back here in October.

We walked around and went to the train station. We left Paris at 12:11pm we played uno and some chess I won uno, I got 546 points,Mum got 0 and Dad got 41 ( another win for the pro)! When we got off the train we got a taxi to the apartment we got chicken salad and watched the rest of Spider Man.

Europe trip part 1

PANIC! On Monday morning I woke up with sore ears so dad had to rush me into the doctors to check whether I could fly or not. Luckily I could so we rushed to the airport to fly to Auckland. When we went into security, mum got scanned by security then we went to the Koru lounge.

When we landed in Auckland we had to transfer to International which was are last bit of fresh air for 30 hours,we waited 4 whole hours! ( BORING. ) At least we got to go into a lounge because of flying business class.

We left Auckland at 9:00 pm and set of for our big adventure to Shanghai. It was a 12 hour flight, the lie flat beds were nice and comfortable and I watched Endgame which was cool. I got 7 hours sleep ( thank goodness).

When we arrived in Shanghai we had to wait a mind - blowing 7 hours before our flight left to Paris! We went into the China Eastern lounge where we settled down into some recliner chairs. The food was nice and different,I had noodles and broth with spicy pork and coriander. For dessert Mum and I had some custard buns and brown sugar buns - it was delicious.

We boarded the plane and straight away I got apple juice, it was nice and refreshing. We also got a hot towel to wipe our hands.I watched 2 movies number 1 The lego movie 2 and number 2 Wreck it Ralph. I got 8 hours of sleep,when I woke up it was time to land ( Mum had to wake me up )!

Monday 5 August 2019

stop animation

Today Mark came in to teach us stop animation.

My story is about a guy getting killed on the highest sky scraper in the world at midnight. There was a thief and a detective involved. The detective was trying to get the bad guy because he stole
$10,000,000 and he was going to spend it on guns so he could kill people.   but then it was a 1,000000000 foot drop so he had nowhere to go the detective said ¨this is the end of the line mate¨ the bad guy took his last deep breath then... he died.   Hope you enjoy my movie.


Thursday 1 August 2019

Worshiping God in diffrent places

Today we are explaining what worshipping God is I have created a DLO about worshipping God.

My DLO is about were you can worship God.

For where two or three gather in my name,there am I with them¨
Matthew 18:20
It means that you pray with 2 or 3 people.
Worshipping means adoring God, giving praise, thanks and honour to God above everything else.