Friday 17 September 2021


 Today for writing I had to create a DLO about Adage, Proverb, Synonym, Antonym, Homophone and Homograph.

Do you know what an Adage, Proverb, Synonym, Antonym, Homophone and Homograph is?

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do, Do, Do, Do hand signs

 Today we had to make a DLO about Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do, Do, Do, Do hand signs!

Do you know what this musical was?

Who showed the beatitudes

Today for R.E we had to show who showed the beatitudes.

Do you know who Mother Teresa is?


 Today for reading we had to write an inforgraphic.

Do you know how many Orangutans are still alive?

Wednesday 8 September 2021


 Today for writing we are learning about suffixes. 

Do you know what a Prefix is?

Tuesday 7 September 2021


 Today for reading we had to do some research and reread the text we were given and answer the questions.

How many New Zealanders died?

Thursday 2 September 2021



Today for reading we had write about what Haora saw, heard, smelled, touched and tasted.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

The Battle Of Kororareka

 Today for reading I had to research what the battle of kororareka was.

Do you know who fought in this battle?


W.A.L.T recall events in the life of Jesus.

Today we had to research the readings and write what happened in them.

Do you know who the 3 wise men are?

Monday 30 August 2021

New Zealand Money


Today we had to research about New Zealand's currency.

Do you know who is on the $5 dollar note?

Friday 27 August 2021

Ven diagram - Women and Men


Today for reading we had to create a ven diagram about men and women.

Can you think of any other ideas? Do you think life is better now?

Thursday 26 August 2021

Newspaper article

Today for reading I had to write a newspaper article about reporting the women of New Zealand winning the vote.

When did they get the vote?

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Women's rights


Today for reading I had to create a poster. I changed it up and did an acrostic poem.

Have you ever mad an acrostic poem?

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Sister Aroha

       Today for R.E we had to create a ven diagram and complete the question givin to us.

       Do you know who Sister Aroha is?

Kate Sheppard and Meri Te Tai Mangakahia

Today in lockdown I had to create a DLO about women's rights and how Kate Sheppard and Meri Te Tai Mangakahia. 

Did you know who was the first country to let women vote?

Tuesday 3 August 2021


Today for R.E we had to create a D.L.O on compassion. Compassion is the virtue we are focusing on at the moment at school. 

I think compassion is when you help others before yourself.

We watched a short video about compassion, whilst it was playing I created this. The video shows how a man helps other and doesnt get anything in return.

This is the video if you want to watch it video

Do you know what compassion is?


Friday 18 June 2021

Bible readings

 W.A.L.T recreate the bible readings.

Today Axl, Mace, Mase and I recreated the bible readings. We had to find the readings from the bible. I did Noah's Ark. Axl did Moses. Mace did David and the Goliath.

Do you know one of these stories?

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Blog commenting

W.A.L.T write and reflect on my comments.
Today for cybersmart we had to copy and paste are latest blog comments. I then had to reflect on them to see if they were positive, thoughtful and helpful.
Have you done a blog comment before?

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Narrative movie

 W.A.L.T identify the structure of a narrative.

Today for writing we looked at a short movie called Purl. It is about a yarn ball starting at a new job. The workmen didn't like her because she was different.

Have you got a favourite short film?

Thursday 27 May 2021

Simplifying fractons

 W.A.L.T simplify fractions.

My group has been focusing on simplifying fractions.

Today Charlotte and I made a Screencastify, our equation was 4/12.

Do you know how to simplify fractions?

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Comic strip

 W.A.L.T write a story based around the poem we got given.

Today I made a comic strip about a story called Home Time by Michael Hall. I had to base the comic about the story but I sort of spiced it up.

Have you ever made a comic, make sure you leave a comment!

Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia

 W.A.L.T know how to put Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia into are writing.

Today Tallulah and I created a D L O trying to teach people who don't know what it is.

I put definitions and some examples from songs and Disney Movies.

Don't forget to leave a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment!

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Imagery, Rhyme and Alliteration

 W.A.L.T identify the definitions and explain what it is.

Today for writing Tallulah and I had to create a D L O about the figurative language. We did the definitions and examples to explain to you what imagrey,rhyme and alliteration.

Have you ever done this in your writing before?

Make sure you leave a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment!


Friday 21 May 2021

Maui and the sun

 W.A.L.T recreate the Maui and the sun.

Today Axl, Hunter and I created a pretty cool comic strip. We changed stuff up a bit because we turned it into Maui and the sun - Lego edition.

Did you already know Maui and the sun? 

Leave a comment below!

Pentecost mindmap

 W.A.L.T know a bit more about Pentecost.

This week are whole class has been researching about Pentecost. We had to make notes and in the morning we played a Kahoot about Pentecost.

Did you know the sacrament of Pentecost is Confirmation!

Don't forget to leave a comment!


 W.A.L.T identify and learn metaphors.

This week we are learning about figurative language. Today we are learning and exploring about metaphors.

I put a dlo in so you can see the definition and some examples!

Did you already know what a metaphor was?

Comment below!


W.A.L.T identify what a simile is.

This week we are learning to identify what a simile is.

If you didn't know what a simile was I put a definition is and my own!

Have you used a simile before?

Comment below!


Suzanne Aubert

Suzanne Aubert

Suzanne Aubert was born in Lyon, France. 19 June 1835. Suzanne has got 3 brothers. When she was 2 years old, she fell through some ice from a pond. Underneath the icy water was some rocks below and she became crippled and partly blind. Because of this event and her disabled brother, Louis dying she then developed a sorrow for people who are disabled. 

When Suzanne was legally aloud to leave home at 25 she sailed to New Zealand to become a missionary for Bishop Pompallier. 

After working at a Maori boarding school, she left Auckland to work at the Marist Maori mission station in Hawkes Bay. After a month or two she was well known to Maori and Pakeha, friendship became a strategy for her mission. 

In 1874 Suzanne was setting her hopes high with her lifelong supporter Bishop Redwood. She left Hawkes Bay for Jerusalem, New Zealand to revive the catholic mission.

The Sisters Of Compassion is a religious order devoted to Mary founded in Jerusalem, New Zealand on the Whanganui River.


 W.A.L.T identify what a personification is. 

This week for writing we have been learning about personification. We had to write the definition and some examples from songs plus some of mine.

Did you already know what a personification is?

Dont forget to leave a comment

Friday 14 May 2021

Jesus Ascension

W.A.L.T make a comic strip about Jesus ascension to heaven.

Today Hunter and I had to make a project about the ascension, we made a comic strip on a google drawing.

 Have you ever made a comic strip?

Friday 16 April 2021


 W.A.L.T do music and identify the notes.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Jesus rose from the dead (play dough animation)

W.A.L.T: use play dough to show how Jesus rose from the dead.

A couple of weeks ago Hunter, Mase and I looked at the bible story about Jesus rising from the dead. We used Play dough and Stop animation to create a little show.

Friday 9 April 2021

Capital E

On the 24th to the 26th, the year eights went to Wellington. We stayed there for two nights. First night was at the Wellington Zoo and on the second night we stayed at Wellington Hostel.

We went to Capital E a little bit late. It is a recording studio. The woman told us a little about all the gear. There were Cameras, Green Screens and a Sound Booth. In my set Charlotte was floor manager and Jennah was director. I was a political forecaster and Axl and Trin were presenters.

As soon as she said we could explore I saw the cameras and I was stunned to see like 7 thousand dollars in front of me. I went into the sound booth, I thought this is the real One News! She said we could dress up so I found a nice jacket.

Jennah, Charlotte and Corina could say when their roles are coming up so we could get ready.

After the first practice we could watch it and fix up our mistakes. It was fun re watching what we did while we were laughing. I was on camera for about 30 seconds before talking.

Now after we watched it everyone had mistakes to fix up. The second set was the one which would go on YouTube. After we finished we watched the video and it went much better. 

After watching the video, I would recommend you go to Capital E if you liked talking and performing on camera. 

If you want to see the video here is the link!

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Jesus rose from the dead


Jesus Rose From The Dead

White Hat/Blue Hat

On the Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. We know this because an angel came and told Mary that Jesus was alive. They looked in the tomb and saw the rock had been moved. The angel told Mary to tell the disciples that Jesus was alive. Jesus rose from the dead because he was the Son of God. 

Yellow Hat

The positive parts of this story are, Jesus was alive and the disciples could see his friend again. It also proved that he was the son of god.

Black Hat

The negative parts of this story was that Jesus died on the cross and people started to laugh at him. The people did not believe that he was the Son of God.

Red Hat

What emotion would you feel? I feel happy that Jesus rose from the dead and could continue to help and serve others.

Green Hat

The disciples could write a letter to inform everyone in Jerusalem that Jesus was alive. They could also knock on peoples doors and tell them the good news.

Did you know this story?

Monday 22 March 2021


 W.A.L.T reflect on an event.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

New Zealand Symphony Orchestra

 W.A.L.T write a piece about the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Cybersmart with friends I think?

W.A.L.T understand the purpose of a blog.

Today Charlotte, Hunter and I made a comic strip about the purpose of a blog.

We used a website called Flaticon. We didn't have enough time to finish it but in the future we will. Flaticon is website where you can search any icons or pictures for your work/drawings.   

First Hunter put text boxes all on the Google Drawing and I wrote the comics, meanwhile Charlotte was looking for some pictures for the comic strip.

The sources we used was Flaticon and Google Drawings.

Have you made a comic strip before?

Comment below! :)