Thursday 26 March 2020

Solving math equations

The Mountain Pass

The mountain of High Hrothgar had stood proudly for thousands of years, casting a solemn shadow for miles around.

 Few dared to venture close to its base, let alone scale its heights, fearing what awaited at the summit. For one brave adventurer, the folk lore surrounding the mysteries of High Hrothgar provided an opportunity just too tempting to resist. Some called him courageous, others foolish, but it mattered not to him now.

 Bracing himself against the torrent of icy wind that rushed towards him down the narrow pass, the lone figure prepared himself for the challenge ahead. He took a deep breath, feeling the frozen air rush into his lungs, and took a bold step onto the path to High Hrothgar.

So he persevered and started to climb High Hrothgar, it took 3 unpleasant days to get to the top. Very rarely do people climb it as it's too dangerous because of its treacherous winds and shivering temperatures. The mountain has tricky trails you have to climb and a gushing river which will take you to the edge of the mountain where the biggest waterfall is, that he is willing to attempt.

At night he got to a little cave and built a fire. The night plummeted to -30 degrees. He hardly got any sleep during the night. In the morning he had porridge to warm himself up and started his adventure again. He had to climb an ice wall with his pick axes. When he got to the top he was exhausted but he kept on going. When he was passing a cave he saw skeletons - it gave him bad thoughts, he took pictures of it so he had proof that he saw dead people and that if he made it to the top people would see it.

On the second night High Hrothgar had a blizzard, and in the morning he was covered head to toe in snow! His tummy rumbled as he did not eat dinner because he was short of food. He accidentally burnt his usual porridge but he still ate it as he was hungry. At the village they all thought he was dead on the first day but a radio report stated that a skier saw him and took photos for the newspaper and radio company to make a report.

He had a successful descent and when he got to the village all of the people held a party for him. He then spoke to say how hard it was. The villagers didn’t really know him so he said his name… Garry Smith.

The End

Summary of Jesus at Easter.

Summary of Jesus at Easter.

 The Jewish people did not like what Jesus was doing. They didn't think that he was the son of God. Judas betrayed Jesus for money from the Jewish. Judas was originally a disciple. Jesus got arrested and taken to the roman emperor, the roman emperor said that we will punish him but not crucify him.

The crowd did not agree. They shouted “crucify” so the roman emperor gave in and told his soldiers to crucify him. They battered him and shredded his clothes. The soldiers made Jesus carry the cross but he could not do it so someone got told to help him carry it. They walked to where Jesus was going to die. The soldiers nailed him to the cross. Then when he died he got taken to a tomb and 3 days later he was alive again. An angel came down and said to two ladies that Jesus was alive and to spread the word. They ran to the disciples and told them that Jesus was alive.

Friday 20 March 2020

My animation

Today we had to create our own animation. I created a rocket going into space, I created this bye using shapes on a google slide. The white circle is the moon and the orange circle is mars. Thanks for watching.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Visual mihi

The process:

To do our visual mihi we had to draw a mountain and river in one section. In another section we had to draw our hobbies, in another section we had to draw where we come from and draw ourself or use an avatar thing. Then we had to go over it in vivid or jovi. Then we dyed it.

The symbols:

I drew mountains, rivers, dogs, guitars, piano, waves, rugby player, Scotland flag, silver fern because they are my hobbies and things that relate to my culture.

What would I do differently next time?

I would not draw stuff which is hard to dye because it goes over the lines.

going to New Brighton.

We walked to new brighton libary and played in the playground. Then we walked to the mesum and saw old photos about new brighton. Then we walked back and went into the libary. We played mincraft and fifa 20. I learned that the life savers wore woolen togs and that they rode horses to the beach.

Thursday 5 March 2020