Monday 25 November 2019

Friday 22 November 2019


W.A.L.T work together to problem solve.

Today we had to make a marble run  out of 5 rolls and some tape.

What went well? We successfully did the challenge.

What was challenging? I found the tape hard because it stuck to our clothes and fingers.

What could we do better next time? we could work together more.

Question? Have you tried this before.

How to work a stapler

How to work a stapler
 Step 1. Open the top of the stapler and put staples in facing down.
 Step 2. When you look in the stapler you will see a spring and a plastic thing the spring pushes the plastic thing to get the staples up to the end.
 Step 3. Once you have seen what is inside a stapler you just put a piece of paper underneath the stapler then you push down and there you go!

Anzac day

Thursday 21 November 2019


Life education

 1 Your right lung is bigger than your left lung because it has to fit your heart aswell !!!

2 your heart has mucles
 3 your lung is the size of a tennis court
 4 when you feel your pulse it is your atrie
5 your vessals is 60000000000000000000 miles long!


Facts about the human body.

Your fastest muscle in your body is the eyelid.
 You have 206 bones in your body.
When you were a baby you have 300 bones.
 There is 600 + muscles in your body.
 You have 90 thousand miles of veins in your body.
Your brain forces you to breath.
Your heart squeezes your blood in and out like a human squeezing a tennis ball.
 You have 1.5 gallons of blood in a adult body.

What makes a good friend

What makes a good friend.

1.Being a loving and caring friend.
2. Trust in each other.
3. Respecting their property.
4. Manners.
5. Loyal.
6. Teamwork.
7. Standing up for you.

Old fashion math strats

W.A.L.T.  We are learning to add written form in our work.

Today we had to make a DLO for showing the old fashion strategy

Hope you enjoy

You Who Do Through Prayer

W.A.L.T. Write a prayer using the you who do through structure.
In class we have been learning to write a prayer using a simple structure.
I like using this structure because it is nice and easy.

God our Creator, you fill us with love and kindness inspire us to care for all creation as you do. We make this prayer through Christ our lord.

God of new beginnings, you lead us in your ways. Bless our country and open our eyes to those in need, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Monday 18 November 2019

Europe trip part 43

Wednesday 30 October

 Today we are leaving Paris and flying home. Once we left the apartment, we lugged our heavy bags to the train station which was ten minutes away. We got off at Charles de Gaulle airport and once we checked in, we went to the Air France lounge for some breakfast. At 12:25pm we taxied along the runway and took flight for Shanghai which was exciting.

 Some 12 hours later, after a few hours sleep in my lie flat bed, we landed at Pudong airport – it was 7:00am local time.

 Thursday 31 October / Friday 1 November

 Dad’s brother David has moved back to Shanghai so we were able to have a 17 hour stop over that allowed us to have a look around this city before heading home to NZ. We landed around 7am and after faffing about getting our 24 hour visa we met David and headed into the city centre for a much needed cup of tea for mum.

 He very kindly organised a car and tour guide for the day so that meant we could cover a lot of ground – we drove around most the central part of the city which was really nice. It was really clean and the floral displays were stunning.

 They had 100’s of the most perfect flower arrangements running along the centre line of some of the main roads and they were mirror images of each other which was impressive! We walked along the main waterfront called the Bund which follows the Huangpu River.

 It was amazing to see all the high rise buildings – the Shanghai tower (632m – almost twice the Eiffel Tower) and the World Financial Centre along with the purple Pearl TV Tower with rusty old container ships sailing past as the river is a main shipping line. Although the city was clean the river was not! It was full of rubbish and lots of plastic and the colour was muddy brown.

I have put in a photo of what it would look like without the pollution haze! Dad was stunned at the development in the last 20 years as that was when he was there last. We had a lovely day seeing the city and catching up with David – after dinner we took the bullet train to the airport to do the last leg of our trip. I loved watching the speed going from 0 to 300km/h in 1.5 minutes.

 It usually goes over 400km/hr but slows down at night for some reason. The taxi took around an hour in the morning – this took 7.5 minutes!! We had a fabulous holiday – 7 countries, many 1000’s of kilometres, various modes of transport and (mostly) fabulous experiences later we arrived home to see the fireworks in New Brighton from our lounge window. Quite a cool way to finish off an amazing 11 weeks!!

Europe trip part 42

Sunday 27 October

 Today it is raining and a bit miserable this morning, so not part of the plan! We played lots of rounds of Uno with Mum, Kara and Connor whilst Dad watched the rugby. After lunch it cleared up so we got the metro to Sacre Coeur which is a famous church on a hill in Montmarte. We could see it from the balcony from our apartment and it looked beautiful as it was all lit up, so we wanted to go and see it. After we got out the metro we walked to the church and it was quite hilly. We actually had to walk up about 200 steps to get to the entrance of the church.

Outside of the church there was a view of the whole of Paris and we could see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe. We got on the little tourist train (it had wheels) to go around Montmarte which is the area nearby the church. The train was packed and we didn’t have much room at all! We saw the famous nightclub/cabaret area called the Moulin Rouge.

We then went into the church which I thought was nice but not as nice as Fouviere. We decided not to go up the dome on the top of the church as we were tight for time and we wanted to take Kara and Connor to see the Notre Dame cathedral. We took the metro down to the river Seine where Notre Dame is and had a walk around. We could see progress on the rebuild of the church already after the fire earlier this year.

We heard that the French President Macron has ordered that the church be restored before the Olympic games are held in Paris in 2024 (5 years from now). Originally the plan was to take 10 years! We were hungry and thirsty so it was time for a drink and another crepe. We found a small Lebanese coffee shop but it didn’t actually serve coffee as we would know it. Dad’s coffee looked like water and he said it smelled like perfume and Mum’s mint tea was really sweet. The crepes were lovely though and a lot cheaper than yesterday’s ones!

 It was getting late in the afternoon so we had a quick walk to some gardens nearby which were called Jardins du Luxembourg. They were very pretty but we were only there about 10 minutes and a man came and started blowing a whistle to get us to leave as it was 5pm. In the gardens there were nice buildings that were protected by armed guards with semi-automatic guns! As we left, we saw another museum called the Pantheon which was also closing.

The Pantheon has the graves of some famous French people including Marie Curie who was famous for discovering chemical elements which she used to help fight against cancer. It was dark now, the lights were coming on and it was time for dinner. Connor ordered snails to start – yuck!! He said they were delicious but I didn’t try them.

Sumarry of Volcanoes

A volcano eruption is one of nature’s most terrifying spectacles. A volcano can gush forth molten rock and ash, as well as steam or other gases. Pressure builds up, the magma is pushed through the top of the pipe which is called a vent and oozes out and down the mountain. There are about 600 active volcanoes including one active and one extinct in New Zealand. Which is Mt Ruapehu the active one and Mt Egmont the extinct one.

Monday 11 November 2019

Summary of earthquacks

This week we are summarising Earthquakes. We had to bullet point the facts then we had to squish it together into a paragraph.

Each year there are 2 major earthquakes. There are 4 layers in the world. The crust is split into tiny little pieces. The core in the earth is 3000c. At the beginning of an earthquake there is an often loud noise like an explosion. In a matter of seconds, thousands of people can be killed. Tsunamis can occur off the coast because of an earthquake. Tsunamis can go 50 meters high and can go 750 kilometres an hour. According to ancient mythology the earth was held up by giant elephants. The Hindus believed that earthquakes occur when the elephants became tired it shook its head.

Thursday 7 November 2019

The sisters of our lady of our mission

      This week our inquary was the sisters of our lady of our mission.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Europe trip part 41

Friday 25 October

 We left Arras and drove to Calais as we had to drop off the hire car. We travelled over 9,000km which is a pretty good effort in 10 weeks! We had heaps of luggage including chiller food bags which we had to haul on to the train then off again at Gare du Nord in Paris as this will be our last few days before heading home.

 We had a couple of hours to wait so we went into the café at the train station and had a cup of tea and lunch. Dad and I played pool and I got pumped! The train trip from Calais to Paris took nearly two hours and I worked on my fractions with Mum which was hard.

The train started off quite empty but was packed at the end with people going to Paris. We arrived at Gare du Nord, a very large station and got in the taxi queue. The taxi driver who took us to our apartment in the north of Paris was crazy! He said to us that driving in Paris is like a game. No wonder Mum didn’t want to drive here.

The apartment was a bit out of central Paris but still had nice views of the Eiffel Tower and Sacre Couer (a famous church) as we were 7 floors up. We were also very near the French national stadium – Stade de France. Mum let me stay up late as her niece Kara was arriving at 10pm from Glasgow with her boyfriend Connor.

They came for our last weekend which was nice as I hadn’t seen her since last July.

 Saturday 26 October

 Today, we all took off to explore Paris on foot at about 10am. Little did we know that we would spend 12 hours out and walked 17km! It was a beautiful sunny day and not too warm, so great for walking. We first went to the Louvre museum which was a beautiful old building but with a modern pyramid in the square.

It has lots of artworks in it, but it is especially famous for a painting called the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. We didn’t go in as we just wanted to see all the main buildings and sights of Paris today. After that we walked down to the Jardin des Tuileries, the Place de la Concorde, the Petit Palais, the Grande Palais then we crossed the Pont du Alexandre bridge to see the military history museum and Napolean’s tomb. Napolean was a famous French general.

 After that we then walked through Champ de Mars gardens with lots of unusual sculptures (including a huge brass finger!) and then onto the world famous Eiffel Tower. We didn’t go up as the queues were crazy and we had heard that it was better to see it from the Arc de Triomphe. So we headed off to see it - it is at the end of the most famous street in Paris called the Avenue des Champs-Elysees.

 The Arc is in the middle of a massive roundabout with room for about 10 cars driving around it! We took a lift to the top of the Arc and got great views of all the many surrounding avenues that connect with the Arc. No wonder the traffic was crazy with cars always cutting each other off.

Mum told me that rental cars cannot be insured if you choose to drive around here! I did a time lapse video of it which is quite funny! Late in the afternoon we stopped for chocolate crepes and ice-cream which is famous in Paris. I think we deserved this treat.

 We then set off about 5.30pm again and this time we walked back down the Champs-Elysees toward the Louvre. There were lots of nice shops, hotels and restaurants. We decided to visit the gardens called Jardin du Palais Royale which were beautiful and surrounded by lovely buildings.

It was nearly time for dinner, so we looked around and found a nice restaurant near the gardens and had dinner. It was getting late, so all we needed to do was find the metro station called Chatelet des Halles and take the 15 minute train ride home. There were lots of sore feet but what a day!